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Preparation for the Strategy
Paul Jang  2008-03-23 13:08:19, hit : 4,055

Preparation for the Strategy

First of all, the best strategy for church growth begins with possession of vision. The strategy for church growth cannot be initiated without vision because a growth goal cannot be determined without that.

First, it must begin with showing a vision for church growth to the people of the church. The vision has always to be shown through the pulpit of the church so that the congregation may watch. The pastor always has to preach a message on the vision. So he must help his people to
orient themselves to the visionary atmosphere.

Second, the people of the church must identify
themselves with the visionary: the church leader who has the
vision. The people must not only understand the vision but
identify themselves with their leader. Without this, the strategy for church growth will meet with failure. The people working together usually has a common vision of who they are (their identity) and what they are supposed to be doing (Christian Reformed Church Home Mission 1990, 1-1).

Third, the vision must be developed and articulated in order for the people of the church to accept it. If the people do not accept the vision, they will lose their way because the church cannot determine its goal. Therefore the vision must be developed and articulated so that they may well understand and accept it.

Fourth, the church must mobilize the people, as a whole to begin to make the vision a reality. Everyone has a role in implementing the vision (Barna 1988, 89).

Fifth, the people of the church as well as their leaders must have been waiting for the vision to be accomplished. With a parable the Scripture says:

Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not
your hands be idle, for you do not know which will
succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well. (Eccl. 11:6)

After that, strategy planning has to be established for church growth. Planning a strategy includes an analysis of the data on the state of the church, setting goal,
programming, methodology, review and evaluation. "Strategy planning is a method by which the church can move more responsibly into the future, no matter how unsettled or uncertained that may be" said Waldo J. Werning (Werning 1983, 50).

It is important to know the present condition of the church through an exact analysis. On the basis of this analysis, the church can set the goal, and determine the method of programming fitting the goal. Lastly, the results of the process must be reviewed and evaluated.



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